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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

United in Faith and	Striving for Excellence

Welcome from the Headteacher

MRs Louise Blyde 

I am delighted to welcome you to the St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School website. I hope that the site is helpful and gives you an overview of our ethos, aims and activities.

We are a caring and inclusive school in the heart of Deptford, providing exceptional learning for pupils from Reception to Year 6.

Our Catholic values are of the utmost important to us and we want our pupils to have their faith at the heart of everything they do.

This nurturing environment helps our children to succeed, be model global citizens and be the best that they can be.

If you have any questions left unanswered after reading through this website, please speak to Mrs Cunnew or alternatively, please speak to myself or Mrs Blyde, our Headteacher, in the playground where we are available before and after school.


Welcome Photo


St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is a one-form entry Catholic Primary School in Deptford within the London Borough of Lewisham and the Southwark Archdiocese. It is a well established school that has welcomed families for many generations and is strongly built on the great links between the home, school and parish.

Our school serves the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church on Deptford High Street. Although many pupils are parishioners at our local Church, we have many more from neighbouring parishes in our locality.

At St Joseph's, we strive for inclusivity; ensuring that each child grows socially, academically and spiritually. We offer a caring environment for all our children from Reception to Year 6, where each child is nurtured, cherished and valued. We celebrate diversity and encourage all pupils to develop and share their talents and leave us ready for the next stage in their life journey. We are committed to ensuring that all children grow in confidence, learn to develop their resilience and enjoy the challenge in new learning.

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